For the third time in a row Erik Willems wins the overall standings, Dan Mundell still second while Damiaens Dietger is in third place
Saturday 2 of April in the Hungarian town of Tamasi, the first of the two days that make up the ELEVEIT Round 2 of the Borilli Enduro European Championship 2022 kicked off. A cold and a bitter wind allowed the soil to dry slightly from the huge amounts of water that fell during the days of Thursday and Friday. The water poured onto the track has made numerous paths and some sectors of special stages impassable; this has made it necessary to make some changes and cuts to create a safe track. The work of the Track Inspector, Gionni Fossati, was today more essential than ever; the changes made gave the 99 drivers enrolled in the Hungarian round a difficult and fun race at the same time, which ended without particular problems.

Carlo Minot
Three special stages distributed along a 47 km long route to be repeated 4 times. The first special test faced by the drivers was the 24MX Extreme Test; a high technical test with numerous obstacles placed along its kilometre in length. Piles of logs, tires and containers characterised the track and required the participants to use all the technical skills in their possession. Mud has also increased exponentially the difficulty of the sectors, making the obstacles present extremely slippery. The Eleveit Enduro Test saw a succession of sectors within a motocross track and others located within a dense forest, narrow and muddy with artificial obstacles such as tires that helped make the track more insidious. The rains before the event also required some changes within this special test that saw its travelling time decrease. The Airoh Cross Test developed on the side of a hill and inside a motocross track allowed the riders to give full display of their speed. A quick special test with terrain that gradually dried up over the course of the day; the terrain that used to be extremely slippery increased its grip during the course of the day, which became increasingly fun.

Dan Mundell
Erik Willems is the fastest driver for the third time! ELEVEIT Round 2 is still signed by the Belgian who seems unbeatable. He concluded today with a beautiful performance, no mistakes and extremely fast times especially in the Airoh Cross Test gave him the overall victory in his hands. Dan Mundell tried everything to impose himself on the Belgian, but a technical problem with the bike took away his chance of winning. Damiaens Dietger for the first time won a podium in the absolute; after battling all day with the Englishman he narrowly won third position. A beautiful three-way clash that took place in full respect of the opponent who gave a beautiful show to the spectators again.
A battle for the victory of Youth fought until the last special. The class reserved for the youngest saw a continuous alternation of protagonists for the first position. Manuel Verzeroli started strong but Luca Colorio gave him a hard time and snatched his first place but this was not enough for him to win, in fact today he finished second with a paltry gap from today’s winner Clement Clauzier. The Frenchman was slightly delayed in the first part of the day but thanks to an incredible comeback he took home the class victory. Manuel Verzeroli for today is to settle only with the lowest step of the podium.
Clement Clauzier
Inside Junior 1 Carlo Minot took a well-deserved class victory by imposing himself in front of Simone Cristini. Minot took home great times throughout the day, fully demonstrating his incredible talent. Simone Cristini had to give in to his compatriot. Riccardo Fabris finished in third position.
Enrico Rinaldi’s absence in Junior 2 was felt. Lorenzo Bernini immediately took advantage of it to put himself in command of his class, a leadership that did not remain in his hands until the end of the fourth lap. Yuri Quarti, in fact, took home the first class victory and the first podium of the season. Lorenzo Bernini sat in second place while the third place on day 1 was the prerogative of Gabriel Chetnicki.

Maurizio Micheluz
Maurizio Micheluz is unbeatable, also on this third day of the championship the victory of E1 is his property. An incredible performance by the Italian who took the first position from the first special and you never left it. Federico Aresi had to give in to the speed of his compatriot, so today he concluded second. Nico Rambow fought with all his strength to get the silver medal but with a time of about 20 seconds higher than that of the Italian he was rewarded with third position.
Erik Willems thanks to the overall victory he took home the victory of E2. An incredible victory obtained with absolute domain. The victory of all the special tests within his class crowned him winner of the Eleveit Round 2 day 1. Nicola Recchia tried in every way to blow the victory to the Belgian driver but his times did not allow him, so he concluded day 1 in second class position with the consolation that no one else managed to beat the Belgian. Giuliano Mancuso, after occupying the second step of the podium for some special tests, won the bronze medal.
E3 winning was not easy for Dan Mundell to achieve, who fought all day with his rivals. A day that began uphill for the English rider who finally finished on top of the podium for the third time. Damiaens Dietger after battling all day gave in to the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon, and ended in second place. David Abgrall, after giving a hard time to his rivals, settled in third place.
The Senior class remains loyal to the championship leader Alessandro Rizza who won for the third time its class, fighting bitterly against Martin Gottovald and the German Arne Domeyer.

Nieve Holmes
No change of leadership even within the Women class, which for the third time in a row sees Nieve Holmes as its best driver. In second place we find today Vilde Marie Holt who relegated the French representative Marine Lemoine to third place.
In the Trade Team the winner was Diligenti Racing thanks to the beautiful performances of Daniel Mundell, Maurizio Micheluz, Giuliano Mancuso and Nicolò Paolucci. Lago d’Iseo finished second, Erik Willems, Simone Cristini, Lorenzo Bernini and Daniele Delbono tried everything but they could do nothing against Diligenti Racing. Gaerne ( Carlo Minot, Luca Colorio, Riccardo Fabris and Elio Rigo) finished third, and its members did a good race!
A beautiful day that satisfied the tastes of most pilots. The premises were not the best, the enormous amount of water that fell seriously put in risk the event, however, the intervention of the track inspector allowed the correct conduct of the event and its conclusion without problems. In the hope that the weather will be lenient even on day 2, continue to follow us.
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Photos: Vision Media and Maxim Pubblicità
Martina Riboni – Press Officer Enduro European – –
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